Theo Altenberg
Theo Altenberg is an artist, musician and author who lives in Berlin. From
1973 to 1990 he was part of the Friedrichshof Commune and lived and worked
in the communes in Paris, Zurich, Duesseldorf and Munich. From 1975 to 1992
he regularly moderated Self-Expression groups. In the middle of the Nineties
he developed his own form of dance performance which was shown at various
festivals (Sonar, Barcelona; Love Parade, Berlin; University of Havanna,
Cuba ) and in techno clubs (Ultraschall, Munich; WMF, Berlin; among others)
His Workshops:
Self-Expression I & II
Self-Expression is an experiment of ecstasy. It was developed by Otto Mühl
and members of the Friedrichshof Commune (Vienna, Austria) in the
Seventies. Every evening, from 1975 until the late Eighties, the members of
the Commune and outside visitors met to celebrate the Unknown within
Ourselves. The original form of Self-Expression links ideas from the
happenings of the Wiener Aktionismus (1962-1971) with the theories of
Wilhelm Reich and the rituals of tribal cultures.
The basic setting for Self-Expression is a circle. Everyone can step into
the center and draw the attention of the others to his or her personal
performance. The art of Self-Expression demands authenticity and a capacity
for ecstasy. The person is required to bring his feelings, dreams and
experiences into spontaneous expression, to create a strictly personal story
from his/her internal chaos of images. This can happen through dance and
movement as well as language and voice. Taboos can be transgressed and
states of trance can be achieved. The only restriction is that actual
violence may not be used. No one is allowed to menace or physically
endanger other participants with his/her actions.
The creative process is
supported by an experienced moderator, who sits on the side or even steps
into the circle, and guides with comments and propositions. Self-Expression
is an artform; it does not follow a therapeutic logic.
Free Love - Free Sexuality
Theo will show a short film on the issue and then moderate a discussion
which will focus on the individual stories, experiences and wishes of the
participants. He draws from thirty years of experience with all kind of
group and couple relationships and might bring some wisdom into the debate.