Roza A. Bliss
Roza A. Bliss is an active Dreamer, Masseuse, Assembler of Women and Yoni Representative.
She was trained in Tantric Massage in the style of Andro Rothe, Yoni and
Pelvic Floor Massage after Annie Sprinkle& K. Ruby and in Shin Tai, a
spiritual Body and Energy Work. For the past seven years she has worked as
a professional Tantra Masseuse at Dakini and other Massage Institutes. For
the past six years Roza has directed womenŒs groups and directs sensual
events for women. She is co-initiator of the womenŒs research project
“Frauenzeit³ on Lanzarote. She considers it to be her lifeŒs work to
contribute to the healing of the Female on this planet. The healing of the
womb area on a personal as well as a collective level is a key issue to her.
With her work she wishes to serve as a counterpoint to the genital
mutilation of women. Roza loves to dance and looks at it as a source and
expression of female power, joy of life and vitality. She has studied
dance with Keriac, San Francisco. Her Workshops:
Erotic Massage for Women
To touch, understand, embrace and streak the body with joy, heart and
sensitivity. Perfumes, oils, tissues, fur, hair, lips, nails, skin and lots
of fantasy stimulate your senses and desire. Hands perform music, dance
with you like a musical instrument. We play with a range of touch qualities
that trigger sensual pleasure and softly invite your body to melt..
Women only! please bring a blanket.
Erotic Massage for Women II
For men and women, but only women get massaged
The Vulva or the Female Sex
If your vulva could speak what would she say ?
If she could ask for something, what would be her desire?
We give our vulva a voice, we listen to her wishes and we will learn the
Yoni Massage as a possibility to rediscover her, to relax her thin and
multi-layered tissue through caring touch and to animate it to more
vitality, sensitivity and lust.
Women only