Felix Ruckert
Ruckert is considered to be one of the most unusual and innovative
choreographers on the German scene. It has taken years for his radical
concepts and experimental stage forms to be accepted. He is now
internationally recognised as one of the major choreographers of the
present day. Before creating works such as HAUTNAH, RING, DELUXE JOY
PILOT and SECRET SERVICE, he danced with Wanda Golonka, Mathilde
Monnier, and Pina Bausch, among others. Ruckert often gives the
spectator an active role in the performance, confronting him/her with
intensive emotions. Another central point in his work is the
development of structures for improvisation and composition
(TOOLS-System). With about 70 shows a year touring all around the
world, his company is among the most active groups in Berlin. Recently
the demand for his work as a guest-choreographer for ballet companies
has increased.
He has been actively interested in BDSM for several years and is
currently integrating this experience into his choreographic work..
For more information see:
His Workshops:
Skin 1 & 2
The skin is our biggest sense organ. Quicker and more immediate than our
eyes, nose or ears, it links us to our environment. Despite its being one
big unity the skin is made of many surfaces of varying thickness. It gives
us reliable information about changes in pressure, pull, friction and
The workshop combines both the active use of skin as instrument of
perception and techniques for its manipulation and stimulation. It
illustrates its possibilities as means of communication with the environment
and other people. A special focus is put on the perception of the
psychological and emotional effects of the different techniques.
Power Situations
This workshop is about the emotional effects of spatial relations. It deals
with such subjects as closeness and distance, the individual and the group,
spatial hierachies, control and surrender, intimacy and reserve. Our
position in space, our body language, our attitude and focus are creative
tools in the non-verbal communication with others. Simple physical exercises
draw the attention to the dynamics created by spatial relations and in
contact with others. They also help to perceive the emotions that are
inevitably triggered in this process.
Bisexual Adventures
Heterosexual but fascinated by homosexuality ?
Lesbian or gay, but sometimes lusting for the other
A workshop for potential polymorph perverts looking
for new experiences. in a relaxed playful athmosphere
we will test our boundaries with simple love
techniques such as sensing, touching, caressing and
We play with our sexual identities.
A look on
the other side of the fence...
BDSM & Performance
This is an experimental workshop for creative xplore participants with an
inclination to public exposure. Felix will propose a few compositon tools
and techniques that will be developed into a performance for Saturday
evening (xplore performance lab). Topics are submission- restriction-
exposition- presence